Monday, December 19, 2016


This week was quite the adventure... Saturday and Sunday we were
grounded, meaning the missionaries weren't allowed to drive at all!
The crazy thing about the Midwest is that the winter brings
ice...which is something that is so foreign to me. But Friday it was
freezing rain all day, which means that everything was just covered in
a sheet of ice. It was an ice skating rink everywhere! ThenSaturday
it snowed all day, on top of the ice and it was too dangerous for us
to drive. Church was even cancelled yesterday! Unfortunately, this
means we were inside all day for two days... We got a little cabin
fever haha!

We called pretty much everyone we could.. We cleaned out our whole
area book.. We had some lessons over the phone.. We set up our whole
schedule for this upcoming week.. We even made some cookies with the
members we live with! Finally, we caved and played this ridiculous
game the elders taught us called Book of Mormon baseball.. It is a
very missionary thing and Sister Day and I were laughing so hard at
the fact we were even playing it (again, we definitely had cabin
fever...) but the Lord will consecrate our efforts! And he already
has! Out of the many people we called, one texted back and said he
wants to meet with us! Miracles!!!

Kimi, Nichole, and Adrath ALL went to the temple this week to do
baptisms! I love when people get to go to the temple! And something
totally amazing is Adrath was baptized for her great grandma and some
young men were baptized for her husband who passed away and two of her
sons who have passed away. Adrath thought it was incredible. Now she
is looking forward to being sealed to them in a year. I love the

On Thursday we had a zone conference. It was AMAZING. We were combined
with two other zones and it was held in Liberty right next to the
temple. It was really hard though...I had to bear my departing
testimony. It was so surreal after hearing missionaries bear their
departing testimony my whole mission, to be the one whose turn it was.
I was so humbled as I reflected on my mission and how I've grown
closer to Christ.

The highlight of the week was at zone conference, we got to go to the
temple in our zones. It was such a neat experience. And being
surrounded by my mission family was incredible. We were all dressed in
white and President and Sister Vest welcomed us into the celestial
room. It was the greatest Christmas present I could ever ask for. I
love the temple and I love my mission. Words can't express the
gratitude I have for my Savior and all He did for me. I hope you all
have a merry merry Christmas!!!

Sister Moss
Kansas City Temple at Christmas time!

Exchanges with Sister Harvey

This is what happens when you try to take a picture in a snow storm...

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